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Collect all of my favorite Boom Decks on FOOD for your Spanish students! Included in this bundle are 5 Boom Decks that cover just about everything related to food! (One-click redemption file included!)


All Boom Decks include Spanish audio with lesson introductions and various assessment activities including picture match, multiple choice, and drag & drop!


For even more food-related fun, use my "Me Gusta el Guacamole" Boom Deck to challenge your students to make delicious guacamole following instructions in Spanish! With this deck you'll even find embedded video!



  • El Desayuno: el cereal, los gofres, el huevo, los panqueques, el pan tostado, el tocino, el yogur, la avena
  • El Almuerzo: la sopa, la hamburguesa, el perrito caliente, la ensalada, el queso, las papas fritas, el bocadillo
  • La Cena: el bistec, el pavo, los mariscos, el sushi, el arroz, el espagueti, el pollo frito, el pescado
  • El Postre: las galletas, la tarta, el chocolate, el helado, el pastel, la rosquilla
  • Las Bebidas: el jugo, el té, el agua, el refresco, el chocolate caliente, la limonada, la leche, el café
  • Los Cubiertos: la servilleta, el vaso, el plato, el cuchillo, la cuchara, el tenedor


LEARNING TARGETS (FRUIT): la piña, la manzana, las uvas, el limón, las cerezas, la pera, el melocotón, el plátano, la sandía, la fresa, el kiwi, la naranja


LEARNING TARGETS (VEGGIES): la lechuga, el brócoli, la cebolla, los guisantes, la zanahoria, el tomate, el maíz, la patata, la coliflor, las judías verdes, el pepino, la berenjena, el pimiento rojo, las espinacas


Boom Cards are self-guided learning tasks that include audio to teach Spanish along with fun assessment activities that provide immediate feedback. (Assessments may include multiple choice, word & picture association, true or false, drag & drop, and/or fill in the blank.) All of my Boom Decks  include bright graphics and fun pictures to help students with word association, comprehension, pronunciation & retention. Distance learning at its best!


To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with "Fast Pins," (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards). Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks.

La Comida (FOOD) BUNDLE (Boom Decks Spanish for Kids)

$19.00 Regular Price
$15.20Sale Price
  • You are purchasing a single license for use of this Boom Deck either for personal use for a SINGLE household or for teachers with a SINGLE classroom. Boom Decks MAY NOT be shared with other teachers, friends, or parents without prior written consent of Mi Camino Spanish™.  

    2020 All Rights Reserved

  • Click here to see a quick preview of this Boom Deck!

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